Fujifilm X100V: Graded Footage (Hand-held)

I recently got a Fujifilm X100V to test for a day. Spoiler: It’s not a camera that is meant to be used to capture video. It has a fixed 23mm F/2 lens (35mm in full-frame) and no IBIS or OIS. But I thought, why not give it a try?

The ergonomics feel good and very Fuji-like. It’s definitely a good companion if street photography is your main priority. Other than that? Well, the 23mm focal length is kind of limiting but that’s also the fun and the challenge.

Below are a few hand-held shot captured internally in Ultra HD (3840×2160) with the flat F-Log picture profile. The footage was cropped to a 2.35:1 aspect ratio, edited and graded in Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2020. None of the shots were stabilized in post.


Since I only spend a few hours with this compact camera it’s hard to say whether it makes sense to use it for video or not because it has a lot of limitations. I couldn’t tell the difference from an X-T30 simply by looking at the footage.

One thing I can say though is that it feels like having a big phone with you that you could just quickly grab and take a shot. Either photo or video. The main downside I see for such a “pocket camera” is the price of €1500. But I guess it’s a specific market for photographers who love cameras like these and not meant for filmmakers.

If you’re looking for a B-camera for your Fujifilm X-T3 or soon X-T4, the compact X-T30 is probably the more reasonable choice since you can switch lenses and it’s also more affordable.

Written by filmmaker Moritz Janisch on March 2, 2020

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